About Salah Saad
A French Fashion Designer that has stunned the public in Paris, London and Los Angeles and has created much enthusiasm through his artistic talent and esthetic style, the iron convention has been broken.
After graduating from Guerre-Lavigne collage of Art in Paris, France, Salah had the opportunity to work with world-renowned designer Pierre Cardin and spent eight years making waves in Paris. With the opening of his Haute Couture House of Fashions in Beverly Hills, His capabilities have once again reached new heights.
Salah has a certain signature appeal to his design that never seems to go out of style, and for that, and many more reasons, he has been featured in several newspapers and publications, including “Best of L.A” and “Our Heritage”.
Salah has designed for many celebrities including Audrey Meadows, Jean Kasem, Ja Ja Gabor, Lily Tomlin, Tita Con, and Lionel Richie. Salah has also designed for movies, television studios and taught at the Academy of the Arts.

Salah has made the following personal achievements and business accomplishments in Los Angeles:
- Recognized for his collection in 1990 by the Academy of Models and Designers.
- Presented with the Designer of the Year Award in 1991 and 1992, an annual award given by the Society of Fashion Designers International at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, by Dionne Warwick.
- Inducted into the Portfolio of Fashion Designers in 1993 by the Society of Fashion Designers International.
- Presented with the designer of the year award given by Rave Fashions Productions.
- Presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award given by the American Druze Society.
- Presented with the Achievement Award from the Achievable Foundation.
- Recognized by the Lebanese Consulate in Venezuela.
- Awarded a plaque by the mount Tabor Baptist Church for his valuable contribution.
- Participated in several fashion events, including the Society of Fashion Designers New Year’s eve Ball and annual Pre-showing, Los Angeles Sentinel fashion show and awards and the Society of fashion Designers foreign affairs benefit fashion show.
- A member of the board of directors of the Society of Fashion Designers International.
- A member of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce.
- A member of the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce.
- Featured in the “Daly News” in 1998.
- Featured in Los Angeles Magazine in 1989 and again in 1990 amoong “ The Best of L.A” by K.C.L.A America Radio Network on several occasions.
- Interviewed by Cable TVs Channel 37 on several occasions.
- Interviewed on the Charles Moore show.
- Interviewed on the Marylou Henner show.
- GQ Magazine – Fall’s Houest Clothes, August 2002 edition.
- Fashion Lane Magazine – Top Design in Talent, April 2004 edition.
- Sharlly Moore Show “A Dream Come True”
- Sharlly Moore Show “Radio Show”
- Channel 3 Century Production “Shakespeare INC”
- Channel 3, 37, 77, 21 Cable TV “Adelphia”
- Channel 4 “CNN”
- All the Bratty House
- Wake UP, I’m Reno
- 13 Moons
- A Walk To Remember
- Animal Factory
- …and many more.
- Disney Studios
- Paramount Studios
- Matrax
- Sony
- Silverman Productions
- ….and more
- Miller Light
- Budweiser
- Avenue
- Kmart
- Nepsco
- J.C. Penny
- Chevrolet
- Coors Beer
- ….and more
- Lily Tomlin
- Julie Harris
- Nole Taylor
- ….and more